Packers Shareholders Face Unique Estate Planning Decision
Many people include specific directions as to whom should receive certain items, such as a wedding ring, watch, or family heirloom, within their estate planning. For shareholders of the Green Bay Packers, this can also include a determination as to which heir receives the share(s) of stock.
Upon the demise of the shareholder, the share(s) must ultimately be transferred via an affidavit as part of the decedent's estate. This can be a major source of conflict within families if no direction as to the stock is given in the will. While most shareholders own a single share of the stock, many also have more than one heir who would like to inherit that share.
If you have more than one Packers fan in your family, this is potentially going to be the source of an argument. This can be factored into your estate plan to avoid future conflict, or you can transfer your share(s) to your preferred recipient while you are still alive.
Of course, you can also plan to rectify this the next time the Packers announce a stock offering, but until then, consider providing direction in this regard through your estate planning documents.